Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy Birthday to my best friend and husband

Dear Phillip Koo:

 Thank you for being humble and living Eph5 out as a husband and father. Do you know what this means? This means when we stand at the throne of God, you will be able to present me, your wife, as blameless, holy, and pure, because of the ways you have led me. He will call you, "My good, and faithful servant."

 You are always open to the Lord's correction and I have learned to follow your footprints as you follow God's. I am excited to spend every single day with you, learning how to be like Christ, learning how to grow from our mistakes, and learning how to stand tall for believing in our risen Savior. Because of your example, I know what John meant when he said we love God because He first loved us.

 Your example makes my heart desire so much more to become the godly woman and mother God calls me to be. Lord, help me to become more pleasing to You and my husband each day.

 Thank You Lord for perfecting our faith and our love. You have chosen a man for me who is beyond everything and everyone I have ever met or read about.

 May the Lord bless you with many more years of service unto Him, faithful family, and wisdom which will open your eyes to unimaginable treasures and mysteries in His word.

 Lovingly, Your best friend and wife

Here's a song just for you:


Ukulele Ninja Daddy draft 1 | Muziboo


Ninja Daddy draft 2 | Muziboo

Ninja Daddy Lyrics - Aug23 2013 

We’re so glad you’re not a ninja
We would never be able to see ya
No way we could grab a hug
Too busy to snuggle with us
Super daddy is a myth
You’d really be too high to kiss
We’d miss your prickly face so much
Yes we love how you tickle us
Please don’t be my ninja daddy
No no not my super daddy
Thank God you’re my ordinary daddy
Who walks with Jesus daily
Happy Birthday
To our hero
Happy Birthday
Have a super birthday
Happy Birthday
Our ordinary daddy
Happy Birthday
Our ordinary super ninja hero bestest daddy