Tuesday, December 18, 2012


PLEASE! Fellow musicians, what has happened to TobyMac?! He got POPisized!!! His new single from June "Me without You" is a nightmare :-( He is no longer authentic and different. He's just another pop artist now... so sad. I guess since it happened to both him and Taylor Swift, it could happen to anyone trying to appease to the general population.

 Made to love - 5 stars

Me without you - 1 star

Cuz it sounds like these

Monday, December 10, 2012

Geeky first post

This blog was created (back in October 2012) so that I can hold me accountable. I been writing but not posting. I realize I need to move everything here but everything is everywhere. I told my husband my music stuff is like Beethoven's hair. Yes, that was supposed to be funny.